'We were so worried about our son going into his GCSEs in May/June, but, with your help, we feel he will be going into them with more confidence and understanding of the subject. You have given him so much confidence, he loves your lessons and he really feels like he has learnt so much in a short few months. We would definitely recommend you, our son's recent test results showed a massive improvement.'
'Your work with my child over the past 1.5 years has been helpful because you can show other methods of learning, and I have already recommended you to other students who need tutoring. Thank you!'
'I did help to catch up on some of [my son's] homework before Christmas, and I noticed a significant change in his writing style and use of language, which was very impressive.
I hope that the additional support he is receiving from school will help him to continue with this good progress.
Thanks again for all your great work with [him]. I will definitely come back to you if we feel that [he] needs additional support in future.'
Firstly I’d like to say thank you to you both for the ongoing support with our son. I personally feel he’s taken big leaps in his learning development and it’s given him more confidence.
As for you, Jo, you hold his attention so beautifully, because you make learning fun and enjoyable. Thank you.
It’s fortunately so reassuring knowing how much he is learning from his weekly sessions. He had a rather positive school report... especially in English.
Finally, we had our interview with the school you recommended to us. We feel it went very well and know Sam, that you played a big part in our rather positive meeting. This school was by far the most professional and knew exactly the frustration and hardships we’ve faced. Not only as parents, but as a family too.